Monday, April 19, 2010

The wheedling winks of mannequins

On his latest show Scott Williams (of WFMU) played a track by pHoaming Edison called "My Girlfriend Rules," it was catchy-as-all-hell and I thought I'd play it for my gf (who rules). A search provided me with only this video medley, put together by one T.J.K. Haywood:

According to the YouTube page by WoodenThomas the three songs are from Phoaming Edison's "Feel It See It " album:
1. See It Feel It (Kavousi)
2. My Girlfried Rules (R. Stevie Moore, R. Nichols)
3. Maybe We've benn Loving Too Long (G.Nash, Flying Machine)

"James Kavoussi, the mind behind pHoaming Edison, is in a handful of other bands as well [Fly Ashtray and Uncle Wiggly]. He's clearly a bubbling well of ideas and the guy deserves to be a hell of a lot better known. pHoaming Edison's music runs the gamut between lo-fi rock and hard-edged, unyielding noise, but most of the songs fall into the infinitely more interesting grey area between those poles. Using a mixture of effects-laden guitar riffs, samples and occasionally improbable percussion, Kavoussi seems capable of massaging the most modest concepts -- a pair of alternating chords, for instance -- into vibrant and intriguing music." —Splendid E-zine b/w Silly Bird Records

More pHoaming Edison finds:

-An untitled 5 song cassette from 1987 posted over at WFMU's Beware of the Blog [download]

-Two songs by pHoaming Edison, linked from Silly Bird Records:
pHoaming Edison - Otto Tutsi Plohund
pHoaming Edison - Laughing at Keys

-The fairly rare compilation from 1993 called Soluble Fish: Some Songs That Chemical Imbalance Magazine Like A Lot with one of their songs (along with tracks by Beat Happening, Thinking Fellers Union Local 282, Sun City Girls). The compilation was complied by Mike Mcgonical, who you might know from Yeti Magazine. You can download Souble Fish here.

more at their myspace

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