Thursday, May 20, 2010

Another slight case

...And as she wiped my mouth with a napkin and cleaned up she sang softly to me. I remember it was sort of a tuneless, absent type of melody that one usually sings when they are alone. She was not embarrassed even though she knew that her voice was unpleasant. But of course no matter how beautiful the moment was the thought of her brother…and that horrible mangled hand…

Jean Cocteau - Le Buste (DJ Spooky Remix) [see]

...and that strange lisp that he always had...the strange way he had of breaking an egg. Even though I knew that Heimlich was hundreds of miles away and under heavy sedation, it was still hard to wipe away the memory of that last meal he had eaten. The way which he suddenly stood up and recited the Magna Carta and collapsed in a fit of weeping.

La Societe Des Timides - ...2 [via]

And I couldn’t help but think that Heimlich had staged the entire scene. But why?? He had everything a man could want. His paintings were selling. The new cottage was almost completed. The dairy farm was going well. And yet a sense of gloom and terror hung over the side of the countryside in those days. And Heimlich seemed too filled with good cheer, too expressive for someone as phlegmatic, and surreptitious, and deceitful as he turned out to be...

-words from Joe Frank, Either Or (In the Dark)

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